> “LEGO F” Animation (GIF)

“LEGO F” Animation (GIF)

4.2/510 ratings

Lego F Animation (GIF)

Description: just a simple animation to show the potential of Hype in creating GIFs

Template content: single Lego brick SVG by zhaolifang (taken here)

Elements: pure hype and SVG

Version: 1.0.0

Tips & Tricks:

  • Main Timeline provides the call to the actual animation and the loop cycle
  • Animation contains the bricks animation
  • the call to Animation is at 00:00,01 in order to show a preview of the F, this is useful when you export it as a GIF and publish it on Fb, otherwise it will be shown just as an empty background
  • is better to export the frames as PNGs and then create the GIF animation with another software like Photoshop

Made By 360fun


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